16 February, 2009

Stephanie: Clubbing looks

What my pals and i look like during the wee hours of the morning when we go clubbing. When you start to go clubbing, you'll realise that people wear clothes they can afford to sweat in! Sorry the pictures are such low quality, i take them with my phone so that i do not draw attention to myself incase there are scary hobos around!

(Yes, i took my shoes off, it was the most disgusting feeling ever!)


  1. haha im so priveledged to b 1 of the models....u kno who anonymous is *wink wink* dont u stiffy n albina

  2. this is Anonymous #2.. that girl in the 4th picture is hot.. i.e. me aka JOSE! muahahaha naah i look like a douche bag.. but a douche bag that partays hard!! WOOOOOOO!

    p.s. hello shang and villaruel i am cortes LOL
